In-Game Market

The In-Game Market offers a way to buy items that you might find useful. You can find resources such as Ice, Ore, or other resources, which can help you upgrade your home base. There are also speed-up tokens available to help you save time on upgrading your structures or help your fleet return home faster.

The In-Game Market has four sections

  1. Resource
  2. Loyalty Points
  3. Military Exploits
  4. Inter Bus market


In the Resource section, as the name suggests, you can buy basic in-game resources such as Ice, Ore, Alloy, and Gas. Additionally, Speed up Tokens are available for purchase. You can use your owned resources or currencies like ISK and Nova credits to make purchases.



Loyalty Points

You can earn Loyalty points by completing the Corp Contracts. These points can be used in the Market structure at your home station to purchase Ship Blueprints, Encoded tickets, Epic and legendary Decryption keys, Ever Kredits, and more. The selection refreshes every Sunday.


Military Exploits

You can earn Military Exploits by engaging in battles with enemy fleets. The amount you gain is based on the ships you've taken down. With Military Exploits, you can buy Ever Kredit, ISK, Implants, Rigs, and Decryption keys. This section will refresh periodically, offering new items for purchase.


Inter Bus market

You can buy resources, the Station Anchoring Device, Ever Kredits, and more with Nova Kredits, ISK, and Military Exploits.


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